The Kennedys 2022 London
In August of 2022, The Kennedy's coordinators presented themselves as working at a promoting a pill designed to make selling out easy. To apply to this creative course run by Wieden + Kennedy, the applicant must answer in any way they see fit. Continuing with their pharmaceutical theme, I chose to write all three questions into one continuous narrative. Three questions, two weeks, one submission — To sustain the illusion of democracy the oppressive and omnipotent Kennezac Corporation have placed Prime Minister Application System terminals throughout the city. In this dystopian future, you are an employee of Kennezac submitting your name for consideration. Kennezac is always watching, but they aren't the only ones... You must make a choice.

Dr. Preety Mudhar

Dr. Tom Bender

Dr. Lwimbo Malanda

1. You can pick the next Prime Minister.
Convince us why it should be them.
2. Sum up the last book you read in a tweet.
3. Show us the project/work/idea you are most proud of.
The following experience contains flashing sequences and requires a keyboard to continue.
Press Enter to continue.
Prime Minister
Press Enter
Enter Citizen ID
Citizen Found
ID Confirmed
1. What is your function?
2. What is your Purpose?
Kennezac Corporate Accounts
Fixed Assets:
Current Assets:
Electoral Assets:
Deferred Tax:
Creditors Capital:
Total Equity:
Citizen Accounts:
Logging into Account
Welcome Back Kennezac Corp.
What's Happening?
This story has been told before.
Fighting against conformity.
The creative do not conform.
We decide our future.
The unconscious will be informed.
This is the revolution.
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